Sunday 10 June 2012

Il Profeta (1968)

Il Profeta (1968)
The rank production values and sloppy English-dubbing aside, there's some worth in the relationship which develops between the two leads. It took guts for Ann-Margret to leave the mainstream as she did, and though the handful of pictures she made at this time weren't wildly successful in the States, at least she gave her all (and looks great to boot!). I got a few minor laughs out of "The Prophet", a scrappy, spaghetti-comedy; it isn't too memorable but it does have some imaginative flourishes and a thoughtful finish. 
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)
Il Profeta (1968)

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