Monday 11 June 2012

The Peace Killers

The Peace Killers 
It had to happen eventually. When you survey previous exports from the city of Las Vegas: an assortment of suspect hair metal bands; one-hit wonder Toni Basil; err… Andre Agassi… It was only ever a matter of time that a group would emerge from Sin City to wipe the slate ceremoniously clean, giving the inhabitants of that Nevadan outpost some fresh hope and an escape from their culturally underperforming past.
The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers
 The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers 
The Peace Killers 

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